Monday, June 8, 2015

Final Project Reflection


(Since Leppla wants pictures)

Part Files:







And finally:

Maker Faire Reflection


  • The showcase met most of the expectation that it had set out to. We showed our game in an engaging and appealing way and got constructive feedback from people. 
  • ....
  • Those who filled out the survey overwhelmingly said that they would not buy it if it was releases as a game.
  • If we were to do this another time, I'm sure we would do more bug testing and add more things to help people playing the game.
I took tons of notes (in my head obviously):

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Maker Faire Showcase

The design that I had came up with.:

The design layout is simple, get all the important information to the viewers, and nothing else. Adding distractions will only take away from the overall experience.

As for the questions:
-My design is intended to be simple and conveying, all unnecessary information excluded.
-My role was at first to help with the levels, then I helped with problem solving on the overall project.
-I think we did okay as a team to meet most of the original design goals.
-I wish we were given more time, so as to allow greater refinement of the game.
-I don't believe I, or anyone else, had any "great" achievements. Instead, many small achievements combined to form the final product.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Maker Faire Reflection No. 2

Week of 1 May 2015

This week I worked with all of the different facets of the game design to help prevent any unnecessary stoppages in work from the game. I also majorly stressed out about my I-Search that was due this week.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Maker Faire Reflection Post


This week, my contribution to the overall maker faire project was to play with Unity and understand how to add custom objects and trees. I also prepared to do some of the voice acting within the actual game itself.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Maker Faire Job Pitch

My role in the team that are making the first person perspective game for Maker Faire would potentially be the level designer of the game. I do not posses the experience to write code, and I am a terrible artist. But in terms of level design I know a thing or two about designing levels.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Dimensioning Standards

1. Size dimensions show the size of a given figure, while location dimensions show where a particular feature is on a view.

2. Chain dimensioning means dimensioning with each dimension connected to another dimension. Datum dimensioning means dimesnioning from one common point.

3. In a dimesnioned drawing the concrete dimensions of a given part can be clearly communicated to thew person(s) in question whereas writing can be sometimes vague.

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