Friday, September 26, 2014

Self as Designer

I love design. It brings out the creativity of my mind, and lets me put my radical ideas on paper. In addition, it lets me explore the depths of many different subjects. As a part of OmniCorp LLC, I pledge to make high quality products that both last long and are good at their intended use. As such, our products are available to everyone either from our website or a OmniCorp authorized retailer.

My goals for Intro to Design:
  • Become proficient in Inventor.
  • Learn to properly make engineering drawings.
  • Have fun.

©2014 OmniCorp Intergalactical. All rights reserved

Product Improvement

This is OmniCorp Inc.'s improvement on the Google glasses. These new glasses have all the features of Google glasses and more. The glasses contain many new and unique functions. The capability of 4G LTE and WiFi, as well as OmniNet® capability. The watch also contains integrated graphics and audio as well as a Bluetooth USB and headphone connection. 

©2014 OmniCorp Intergalactical. All rights reserved
OmniNet® and is a registered trademark of OmniCorp Intergalactical

Monday, September 8, 2014

First Design Challenge (Build a bridge)

The first project of the Techies design bureau. The bridge measures 28.6 cm in length and can support more than two people at once.

*Brainstorming gives time to test different ideas on paper and gauge their potential effectiveness.

*Testing allowed for a more compact and durable design.

*A successful team must know how to work together and troubleshoot problems on the go.