Thursday, February 19, 2015

Inventor CAD Drawings

Response Questions:

I did not get very far in the packet.

All of the things were quite challenging to me.

Nothing came easily to me.

©2015 OmniCorp Intergalactical

Fallout Shelter

Initial brainstorm: We had two different potential solutions for the fallout shelter. The first was buckminsterfullerene (bucky-ball).The second was  a triangular pyramid.

Design: We chose the triangular pyramid because we did not have the resources to build a bucky-ball.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Inventor Question

Question: How do you create a work plane?


  1. On the ribbon, click 3D Model tab  Work Features panel  Plane .
  2. Select appropriate vertices, edges, or faces to define a work plane.
  3. For offset work planes, drag the work plane to the appropriate location and enter a distance or angle in the Offset edit box. Click the check mark in the edit box to accept the preview and create the offset work plane.
    If more than one solution is possible, a selection box appears. Click the forward or reverse arrows in the selection box, and then click the check mark when the correct solution is previewed.
  4. Optionally, resize the work plane. Right-click the work plane and clear the check mark from Auto-Resize, if necessary. Click a grip handle on one of the work plane corners and drag to resize.

©2015 OmniCorp Intergalactical

Form Follows Function Wrap-Up

Wrap-Up Questions

1. The intention of the mug 2.0 was to make a mug that it would be an alternative to carrying a insulated cup around at home.

2. The mug was to be made out of a special alloy that could resist heat transfer, as well as an insulated layer to help retain more heat.

3. The mug 2.0 is a far more efficient beverage carrier to a standard mug.

4. This reminds me of the product improvement I did at the beginning of the year, but with extra constraints.

5. As it is a mug, it bears close resemblance to a normal mug.

6. The mug 2.0 can be a revolution in drinking technology. It has the potential to make regular mugs almost nonexistant.

©2015 OmniCorp Intergalactical

Monday, February 2, 2015

Puzzle Design Final Reflecton

1. It is important to build a model if a product in a CAD software before building a final prototype because it allows for the elimination of errors related to part dimensions.

2. One thing that I liked about the puzzle design was the foray into Inventor. It gave me the opportunity to explore new parts of Inventor.

3. One thing that I would change if I could it would be to have more time to sand all the pieces and as well as the ability to clamp the cubes together.

©2014 OmniCorp Intergalactical & Matthew Krawczyk. All rights reserved