Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Inventor Question

Question: How do you create a work plane?

(Source: http://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/inventor-products/learn-explore/caas/CloudHelp/cloudhelp/2015/ENU/Inventor-Help/files/GUID-80FC6839-D432-4E7E-85C6-0F77E9AEDCC7-htm.html)

  1. On the ribbon, click 3D Model tab  Work Features panel  Plane .
  2. Select appropriate vertices, edges, or faces to define a work plane.
  3. For offset work planes, drag the work plane to the appropriate location and enter a distance or angle in the Offset edit box. Click the check mark in the edit box to accept the preview and create the offset work plane.
    If more than one solution is possible, a selection box appears. Click the forward or reverse arrows in the selection box, and then click the check mark when the correct solution is previewed.
  4. Optionally, resize the work plane. Right-click the work plane and clear the check mark from Auto-Resize, if necessary. Click a grip handle on one of the work plane corners and drag to resize.

©2015 OmniCorp Intergalactical

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