Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Form Follows Function Wrap-Up

Wrap-Up Questions

1. The intention of the mug 2.0 was to make a mug that it would be an alternative to carrying a insulated cup around at home.

2. The mug was to be made out of a special alloy that could resist heat transfer, as well as an insulated layer to help retain more heat.

3. The mug 2.0 is a far more efficient beverage carrier to a standard mug.

4. This reminds me of the product improvement I did at the beginning of the year, but with extra constraints.

5. As it is a mug, it bears close resemblance to a normal mug.

6. The mug 2.0 can be a revolution in drinking technology. It has the potential to make regular mugs almost nonexistant.

©2015 OmniCorp Intergalactical

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